Understanding Production Date Codes
By Moparr Motor - Detroit (Nov 1992, Dec 2004, Dec 2010)
The following information can be used as your guide to better understand the date codes that are applied to components used in the production of vehicles. There are various types of date code identification applied to material.
Production dates could be etched, stamped (ink or steel punch type) on the part or even on a tag. Keep in mind that this is just a guide. Chrysler has a scheme that was to be followed however, some suppliers applied the code slightly different. Some codes are easy to spot and translate and some require a considerable examination.
Typically the scheduled vehicle production would be from August 1st to July 31st.
Ref Date code type Code meaning Example Components typically found with
this type of date identificationA Alpha-numeric 2 digit code Month & Year E9 = May 1969 Carter carburetor base, Carter Fuel pump, Viscous fan drives, drive shafts B Single digit Year G = 1971 Engine identification pad C1 Two digit Month & Year 71= 7th month
(July) 1971
A 0 = January 1970Side view mirrors, glass, wheels, temperature sending units. Prestolight ignition distributor ID tag, oil pressure-sending unit. C2 Two digit Year (Calendar) 70 = 1970 Alternator and starter C3 Two digit Month & Day 12 6 = December 6th Wheels . The part number would give you an idea of the year. C4 Two digits with dots Year & Month 7. . . = 1967 March
9. . = 1969 FebruaryMotor mount D1 Three digit Production week & Year 301 = 30th week of 1971 Exhaust manifolds, seat tracks, fuel sending units, ignition coils, voltage regulators, ignition distributor tags, lower control arms horns D2 Three digit Month, Day & Year 12 6 71 = December 6, 1971 U joint strap, alternator, engine block D3 Three digit Month, Day & Year 12 6 1 = December 6, 1971 U joint strap, alternator, engine block D4 Three digit Production week & year 241= 41st week of 1971 U joint strap, alternator, engine block, torsion bars, belts E1 Four digit Day of year & Year 3301 = 330th day of 1971 K frame, master cylinder, power steering gear, windshield wiper motor, Holley carb, Carter carb ID tag, hoses, Radiator, Hood catch , hood latch, emergency brake mechanism E2 Four digit Day, Month & Year 10 9 69 = October 9, 1969 Dana axle tubes, exhaust manifolds, water pump E3 Four digit 10,000 Day calendar 2995 = Oct 9, 1969 Hemi engines, manual and automatic transmissions F Five digit Year & Quarter 1971 1 = 1st quarter of 1971 Spark plug wires G Cast Star wheel (12) Year & month * Alternator starter H Cast boxes (12) Year & month * Automatic transmission tail shaft -
* = Casting date. The spokes or boxes that have dots in them represent the month that the component was cast. Dots in 5 spokes or boxes = May, Dots in 10 spokes or boxes = October.
The Month numerals are as follows
1 January 7 July 2 February 8 August 3 March 9 September 4 April 10 October 5 May 11 November 6 June 12 December
The Month letters are as follows
A January G July B February H August C March J September D April K October E May L November F June M December